Monday, June 7, 2010

Hell girl

Hell girl is a very interesting series. It's basically a collection of story's where there's the good person who get's backstaped by someone else. Then the hell girl comes to get the bad people, and ask the person if they want to know what death looks like. And then she puts them in the same situation's that the person did to someone else. I find it to be okay as reading material but not the best. All the story's are very different but ate the same time the same. It feals a little repetative after the sixth volume and i got bored of it. My favorite story from the series was the one where there was two girls trying to make it in the entertainment buissnes. One of the m gets a big break in a movie and the other girl is the understudy. So you can probubly tell what's going to happen next and if you don't then your slow. She takes pictures of her to ruin her reputation. After some time the girl got run out of hollywood, and the other girl got the part. The hell girl obviously whent looking for the girl and put her in the same situation. And she never came back again. There very simple story's and you get bored with them easily, but ate the same time it's not a bad read.


Naruto is the best none manga out there. It`s always nober one on the most read list on any manga reading site. And more and more people get to love it ever day. I haven`t really read the series yet but from what i read i really like. I just have to take the time and sit down and read it. The action pictures are easy to tell what`s going on, when most of the story`s I read i really have to look ate it to tell what it is that is going on. And the story line keeps me interested, but there are moments where there is something amazing coming up and what i`m reading is very slow and not that great. The story is about a boy named Naruto uzumaki has the nine tailer demon fox within him, And there is 9 other people who have there own number of tails. (1 to8 and then there is the one who wants all of them to take over the worl and control it). And the story is basically about him getting out of danger from bad people how want him or want him dead. Ìt`s very interesting and there is always something crazy goin on in the series. I have to read it at one point from start to finish then i could tell you what i think. But from what i read i would recomend it to everybody. I like what i have read.

And here is a video of Kakashi and Naruto Vs. Akatsuki. Sorry but a it`s in japanes but there are subtitles.

slam dunk

Slam dunk was the first manga that I ever read, it's still one of my favorite's. It's about a boy named Hanamichi Sakuragi, who really likes this girl named Haruko Akagi. And the only way he had the chance to talk to her was basketball. She Is the sister of the the basketball captain Takanori Akagi, who by the way hates Hanamichi. he is the biggest loud mouth i've ever read about in a manga. He's always starting trubble, but most of the time it's because people always comenting on his red hair and he beats everyone up. So he get Haruko to teach him how to play basketball and then he tries out for Takanori team. And as you know, he dosen't like Hanamichi. But he let's him on to the team anyway. And it's gets worse because he has compatision for Haruko's heart. She has a crushon the beat bascketball player on the team Kaede Rukawa, but he dosen't know she exist. So the makes Hanamichi jealous and makes him try even harder to impres her. But it dosen't work because when he dose something good he starts to showboat and Takenori won't let him on to the team officialy. Anyway it's really good and i would recomend it. And ther is always something that will make you laugh when you read it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The worst manga ever, YU-GI-OH

I think this is the worst manga ever made. Which is alot for me because i like every manga i can get my hands on. But this just tops the cake, it`s so wierd and boring at the same time. And it`s not a good wierd. I like the consept of creatures fighting but it`s to pokemon for me. And i even kinda like pokemon when i was younger and this seemed more boring to me. And the card game is just awfull and confusing. The spirit card and the graveyard which is all i know by the way. And the story apart from the battles is lacking, yes there is David Rabb who is trying to get the legendary Winged Kuriboh from Jaden Yuki, and that all i know from what i read. In the first 7 volumes that came out there was only three instances of magic and wizards making it very predictable, and i just don`t like it. But the monsters are very cool and intricate in detail which is the only thing that is good in the entire series wich is why i read enough to say it`s awful. Hoping that it would get interesting, but it didn`t and i just look at the pictures when i get the monthly shonen jump magazine.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Anime obsesions

People can easily get obbsesed with buying anime and manga. I know someone how spends hundreds every week on anime and he dosen`t even watch most of it. He just wants to be able to say he has the biggest collection out there. But it`s good for me because he lets me borrow as many as i want. And he`s always asking me if it was any good and i always ask him if he ever watches them. He says that he only watches the ones that he knows he likes. I think that`s just stupid to spend all that money on the series and not even watch them. I would love to have all the anime he has but i would buy one and watch them and t hen go out and buy another if i had the need to buy so many series. And another way he obbseses is when there`s something new and every body wants it, it just gives him another reason to buy it and say to people he has it. People how obbses about
anime is theycossplay when there event and stuff. And they`ll even pay hundreds and even thousands for old anime and manga offline, and the same with figures and statues. If you have ever seen an obbsesed anime and manga fans house, it`s crazy but awsome at the same time. It`s like hoarders but less discusting, and more colourful. I just hope that one day people will learn to controll themselfs and stop buying so much anime stuff. And that`s jus a little of what a person who is obbsesed about is like.


Action figures

I like action figures, but i`ve always hatted barbies and people never understood why. Action figures where always alot more fun they moved alot more because they actualy had joints. Barbie was so stiff and all you can do with her was dress her up. But now a days action figures nolonger move. There meant to be looked ate and not tuch, people don`t even take then out of the packaging anymore. But it makes the already expencive figures worth even more money. So i was going to talk about my favorite action figures­. First i`m starting with my most recent favorite manga, Death note. You can get a bundle of small chibie PVC figures or the slighly bigger ones that are more detailed that are a little bit more than the bundle. Or you can get statues wich are more expencive but sometimes less than the PVC figures depending on the detailes and the size of the figure. To give you an example the Light Yagamai (Kira)12" Statue is 52.99$. But the Rem Shinigami 20" Statue is 954.99$. Now i think it`s worth the money if your rich, if not you better have alot saved up, but i would buy it if i had the money. Because rem is one of my more favorite character and the detail that whent into it is just amazing.Big difference right just by detail and size.Here`s the link to the site

Another series that i have been a fan of forever is Bleach. There figures seem to be alot cheeper than the death note figures. i don`t know why but it`s probubly the fact that there less detailed. The only thing that i see that comes close to the price of the death note figures is Bleach play art kai series 01 - Set of 3 119.99 where you buy all three figures at the same time. But the only figure on it`s own that`s close to one hundred dollars. The 1/8 Scale G.E.M. Toushirou Hitsugaya PVC Figure 99.99$ I wouldn`t get the figure because he`s not that great of a character and that way to much money. I think all the people how are on the verge of bankrupt and buy these figures on a daily bases are cray. If i hade money to burn and there was nothing i needed or wanded i would probobly buy them all. Because in the futur there going to be worth alot more money tha they are now. Here`s the link for the list of bleach figures,


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to draw

The basic of drawing anime and manga pictures. There really isn't a difference between the two but people like to say there's a diference.
The first thing you need to do is think of what you want to draw. And think of the pawsture the person will be in. The second thing you need to do is lightly draw the proportions.

Third you need to make it more difined but still light. More like the shape of the persone. It's called volume.
The next step your seposed to draw the anatomy, but most of the time i don't like to do it. Because it creates lines that erase but are marked on to the paper.
So instead i start to draw thpictuer arownd the volume and erase the volume as i go.

Then you could either start to do shading or colouring. If you whant the colouring to look really good you shoul consider to mark the shading then colour acordingto the shading. I normaly leave my drawing without shading or colouring but you draw to your preference.

I like this way of drawing when i draw a picture by scratch. But most people like to draw pictures the other where your basicaly drawing free and hoping the proportions come out good. I like to draw more frehand when theres not alot of details.
Here's an example. He dosen't explane what he's doing so you don't need sound but he's just talking about a character that died.



This is sutch a funny show, I mean it's hilarious. It's about a war between vesper and. Mahoro is the most powerful battle androide in the world. But beinf the strongest comes with a price. She is going to run out of life energie if she dosen't stop fighting. Son she had to choose between fight and die in months, or stop fighting and live for a little over a year. She chose the second option and became a maid for suguru misato. But in the prucess she falls in love with him. Now that would be fin for him because he's been alone for years. Both his parents are dead. And the thing that makes me think that mahoro chose t be human was because it was her that killed suguru's father. Suguru's teacher is over the top obsesive abour him, and sometimes i just sit there with my mouth open thinking that she is absolutly insane. And she is always making fun of mahoro. And there constantly fighting mostly about suguru, but they also fight about how the teacher has bigger boobs than mahoro. Anyway the show is funny and i garranty you will laugh if you watch it.



Shuffle is one of the most weird love triangles i`v ever seen. It`s about a boy named Rin Tsuchimi who has to choose between a god or a demon. But it is never that simple like seriously. He grew up and lived in the same house as Kaede Fuyou. She says she likes but i don`t really think she dose. I think that she thinks she likes him because when they where little she tortured him when she was little. And when she found out that it was her fault that her mother died because her and not him, she`s been trying to repay him forever. So when his attention shifts to the two girls who want to marry him, she starts to get upset. And later on another character adds herself to list of people who want to be with Rin. Her name is Asa Shigure, She a little bit tomboy but she is a really good cook. And she teaches almost all the girls in the show how to cook. And there is some problems on the way of making his choice. The show is pritty funny and it has some interesting moments.and who he choses in the end really surprised me but i think he made the right choice.


The familiar of zero

The familiar of zero is a funny series. It`s about a girl who is trying to become a great magicien, but it`s not working out to well. She can`t do one single spell correctly. So when it is time for the summoning of there familiars, everyone gets a normale familiar. But when it`s her turn everyone starts to laugh because she is a horrible witch. Her familiar shows up and is a human. His name is Hiraga Saito and he is not happy about the situation. Especialy when he finds out that he is no longer on planet but on a moon. They go through a bunch of things that make then fall even more in love. He basicaly is a servent to zero, and she is not very nice to him. And when she starts to get jelious when a servent starts to spend alot of time with. And she even convest her fealings to her at one point. Then they find out that there was a point to the human being summoned. And he end up saving the real of magic. The show is an ok show. All the characters are funny and play of eachother really well.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Death Note

Death note is another one of my favorites. It was created by Tsugumi Ohma. It's japanese poblication started December 2003 - may 2006. The story is about a character are Light Yagami, he's a very smart 17 year old high school student. But he's very board with his life, so when he finds the death note and starts to kill people he comes up with a gol. His gol is to clean the world of all felones. I think it`s funny because if he gets ride of all the bad people in the world, he`s going to be the only bad person because of all the people he`s killed. His nickname in the world is Kira. His god of death is probably the creepiest thing ive seen in my life. The realy long arms make him look like a monkey. But he has realy cool wings. The other characters that is one of my favorite`s is L, he`s a ditective who is trying to find Kira. And Light actualy starts to help L find himself. Setting traps so thathe won`t get caught. The best plan he made was so injenious i was just yhinking why didn`t i think of that. But youll have to read the story to find out what it is. The story is entertasining and will defenetly make you want to keep reading.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Bakuman was created by the same writer wrote death note. It's basicaly about a boy named Moritaka Mashiro who has a boring life and is on the road to being a boring office worker. But then he meats this boy in his calss named Akito Takagi. He`s one of the smartest in his school, but he dosen`t want to be a boring office worker. So Akito aproaches and ask Moritaka if he would like to draw and make manga with. If it was me in this situation i would try to do it, but still pay attention to my study`s and make the manga ate the same time. And if it works out, i`d get more serious about it. Anyway ate one point they go to the house of Miho Azuki, the girl that he likes and they ask her to be there voice over actor if there manga gets big enough to be turned in anime. And when Moritaka see her he suddenly asks her to marry him. And she agrees but not until there dreams come true. I think it`s really wierd that a teenage boy asks a girl to marry him and he hasent even talked to before. He just wishes he could be with, and he draws pictures of him in his notebook. It`s very schoolgirl like in my opinion. Anyway i haven`t read most of the series but if your interested i would recomend it.


Thursday, March 25, 2010


Fangirls, also known as crazy obssesive girls who like to warp anime stories into their fantasy or favor. Sometimes they want two characters to end up together or maybe sometimes they want a little man on man in the story because of the homo erotica present in the story line. In any sense, there is one thing that we can say about them, they have no lives and insist on falling in love with something that does not exist.

I cannot stand these girls who want to change something that i love. I am not a fangirl, i do not fall in love with the characters and plan my wedding with them. However, i do love the story lines and anyone who tries to change that should be hunted down and stopped. Why someone would spend 3 hours drawing two straight men making out is beyond me, but I must say that they are good artists. The story was written a certain way and changing it just beacuse you don't like a certain outcome has no reason, you may as well not even watch the show and just write your own!

These people need to stop being so wierd and be normal. It's plain and simple


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bleach and big news :)

Bleach was created by Tite Kubo. It's japanese publiquation started in 2001. Bleach is in the top two manga's out in pupliquation, and hasd been for a while. It's a very popular shonen manga about ghost reaping.The main characters of bleach are Ichigo "strawberry" Kurosaki, he may have the atitude of a punk, but he's at the top of the class. Because he got his soul reaping ability other than the traditional way of optaining it, he dosen't know the proper way of reaping and has know idiea about the history. And the reason there's strawberry in his name is because he's ginger. FRIENDS: Orihime Inoue, she seems like a bit of a ditz, but when it comes to protectring the people she can be very strong. Yasutora "chad" Sado, he's ichigo's best friend, and when they where kids they mase a promise to fight for each other. Uryo Ishido, he is a Quincy, and he's suposed to be enemies with soul reapers, but him and ichigo have calles a truce and are working together. ENEMIES: Sosuke Aizen, he was once a soul reaper, but now he betraid them and is a leader of the arrancars. Grimmiow JeagerJaques, he's deffenetly the most violent of the arrancars, and is always looking for a reason to fight Ichigo, because he can nerver seem to win.Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tosen, they both left the soul sociate to follow Aizen.

The story is about Ichigo Kurosaki and his power to see and speek to ghost. One day when a hollow comes to his home. He gets in the way and Rukia kuchiki (soul reaper) protects him. Then the only way he could protect his family was to take a portion of rukia`s soul reaping ability to kill the hollow. Bur Ichigo has a massive amount of spiritual energie, so he took all her ability and has to do her duties will she is weak. The throughout the story, his friend got kidnaped by hollows. He himself hade4 to become half hollow so that he had a chance of winnig against the Arrancars. Then it is announced that Rukia is sentenced to die and Ichigo tries to save. The we later find out that all the events that happend where all because of Aizen. He did all those things so he could take over the soul society. And there still having problems with Aizen to this date.

The big news i wanted to mention is that Warner brothers is planning to buy Bleach`s rights to make a live action movie. It`s not that important, but it will hopefully be an awsome movie.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

One piece

One Piece was created by Eiichiro Oda. It's Japanese publication started in 1997.It is one of the really old mangas, but it is alot less popular than the others that are out there. Such as Naruto and Bleach which are the two most popular. There are ones that not many people know of. Like Gantz, Mahoo Sensei Negima and to love ru.

The main characters of one piece are Monkey D. Luffy, he's a captain of the Merry Go, who has gathered a range of crazy characters for his crew. Crocodile (Mr. Zero), he's the ringleader of Baroque Works. He'll try and do anything to get his hands on the weapon named Pluton. Roronoa Zolo, he's Luffy's first crew man and a master of unique fighting techniques that use three swords called "santoryo". Nami, she's a very stubborn girl and is the navigator. Without her the Merry Go would be lost. Sanji, he's the gourmet chef for the crew. And when he's not cooking he's pursuing the ladies. Usopp. he's a liar, plus he's cowardly! But despite all this he always manags to muster up enough courage to get the crew out of sticky situations. Nefeltari, she's the princess of Alabasta. She's going undercover to stop the rebellion caused by Crocodile's evil plan.
Tony Tony Chopper, he's the crew's doctor and he just so happens to be a reindeer that can walk and talk. And finally Nico Robin (Ms. All Sunday), she's Crocodile's partner in the story and her Flower-Flower powers can make limbs grow anywhere.

By all the characters alone, you can tell what the story is about. Crocodile does anything to get the weapon Pluton. And Nico Robin is his partner in crime. So Luffy and the gang try to stop him from causing the rebellion from happening and Crocodile getting Pluton. And on the way Luffy runs into situations where Crocodile fights him. The fight sequences are dragged out for a long time. You can read this manga in shonen jump magazine, or buy the book on their own. Anyway here's some funny clips from the show. There not the funniest but i put it up for clips and not for comedy.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New manga

Hey everyone, I have found a new manga that you should give a try. It's been out for a couple of months, it's got thirteen chapters already. It's about these two robotic boys.Ultime, he embodies perfect goodness. He's big goal is to stop vice from causing trouble. Vice, he's ultimo's polar opposite. He is as violent and destructive as his name sounds.Dr. Dunstan, he is the inventor of ultimo and vice. Yamato Agari, he a in the 21st century. And looks like and has the same name as the bandate who met Dr. dunstan in the 12th century. He is Ultimos master. Ultimo and Vice both have interchangable gloves that they can clone by looking or thinking of what they want it to be. They are called the Karakuri Douji (wich means mechanaquel boy).
They where created for the soul perpace of to see what would win . Pure good or pure evil. Just a note of warning there is some violence and foul language. You can find it in shonen jump magazine or go to and shearch ultimo. And keep checking for new chapters. I hope you injoy it as much as i did.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kurosaki ichigo vizard mask V.2 necklace

The newest accessory is out for all the Bleach fans out there. It`s the new kurosaki ichigo vizard mask V.2 necklace. It`s the second version of ichigo`s transformation masks. I personaly would totaly buy this necklace. I think that it`s there best made mask out of all the other characters maks. And i realy like the horns on the side the the head. And the eyes tlook realy creepy and a nice couleur, wic hgives nice deph to the to the shape of the eyes. Make it look realy dark and menasing, wich is needed when he transformes. I think for 10 dollars it`s a steel and if your a fan it`s a must have.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Must see show

The first thing i wanted to write about was a show i borrowed from a friend. It's called Ouran High Shool Host Club. It's the funniest anime i've ever seen. It's my favorite discontinued series. Oh and if you dont know, a discontinued series is alot smaller than a continued. A discontinued series is normally two or three seasons long, but a continued series could be really long and i don't think that i know of one that has ended yet. Anyway (sorry for the subject change) it's absolutly hylarius. It's about a girl whow looks like a guy, she gets a scolership to a very rich and high sociaty school. When she is looking for a place to study she goes into the abandoned music room, wich is actualy a host club. Will she's in the music room she's accidentaly brakes a vace and has no meens of paying for it. So she is forced to joine the club to repay them. The characters are the most perfect combination, and makes for great comedy.

These are not the funniest moments of the show, but it's the best i could find in english.I`m going to try and find some more funny moments in english, but until then enjoy these moments.



Hey bloggers, my name is Alexis. This is my first time doing this blog thing before. What i`m going to be writing about is anime and manga . And more specifically, i`m going to write about new anime on TV, and on DVD, new manga comic, reviews on anime and manga. And talk about new merchandise. And maybe updates on mangas that have been out forever. For example Bleach, Naruto, One piece, etc. And maybe talk about some games that are coming out, that are about anime. And maybe some videos on how to draw anime. When people think of anime, they think of characters with big eyes and crazy over the top facial expressions. And my favorite type is chibi. There not meant to be drawn nicely, just to show how the character is feeling.
I also like fight scenes. When the story is in black and white it is a little more difficult to see whats going on but there always well drawn. And interesting to see what some of the artist come up with when it comes to sword fights in Bleach.

Don't they look funny. Anyway those are the things i'm mostly going to be writing about in this blog. I hope that you like it.

(: byebye :)